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Airbnb Safety and Security Checklist

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Airbnb Safety and Security Checklist

Start small.

When it comes to startups for solopreneurs, start small. A lot of people build a full featured app as their first startup. Sometimes that works but there’s big risk to doing this. You could end up with a fully featured application that nobody wants and all that time building would have been for nothing. So start small and see how it goes, you can always build on top of a product once it starts to gain customers.

This definitely applies to this weeks Micro Saas idea. We have a few keywords to target this time around and the keyword difficulty is very low so it will be especially easy to start ranking for it on Google.

What’s the idea?

Airbnb Safety and Security Checklist

A Micro SaaS that provides the ability to create comprehensive safety and security checklists for Airbnb hosts to ensure their properties meet safety standards and regulations, providing peace of mind to both hosts and guests.

What’s the SEO Potential?

Check this article out to find out why this is important.

The keyword difficulty here is really low which means it will be pretty easy to start ranking high on Google for this. We have 1 main keyword and 2 long tail keywords that you an target, all with a low difficulty of 11.

The main keyword has a nice and healthy 1000 people searching for it on Google every month while the other long tail keywords have upwards of 200 people searching for it so you could potentially gain some traffic by targeting these long tail keywords in articles on your website (see how you can do that here).

A reminder that those search volumes are for US alone so the potential for worldwide traffic is huge.

Keywords to target


airbnb checklist

Keyword Difficulty


Search Volume

1,000 per month


starting an airbnb checklist

Keyword Difficulty


Search Volume

260 per month


first time airbnb checklist

Keyword Difficulty


Search Volume

210 per month

Should you build this?

This is a good opportunity to build a small and simple product and start earning money online. Build it, ship it, launch it, promote it, add it to directories, and get customers on autopilot.

What could the main features of this Micro SaaS be?

Checklist Creation: Have the ability for hosts to create, customize, and manage safety and security checklists.
Template Library: Have predefined checklist templates that comply with various regulations and common safety standards.

Some nice to haves you could add

Progress Tracking: Functionality for hosts to track the completion of each checklist item.
Notifications and Reminders: Alerts for pending items, updates, and periodic safety reviews.
Reporting: Ability to generate and share safety compliance reports.
Educational Content: Articles, videos, and best practice guides for hosts.

There we have it. Another nice and simple Micro SaaS product that you could start ranking in the top 10 on Google for very easily. Imagine those 1000 people searching online and finding your product in the top 10 search results on Google every month. I can nearly hear the clicks!

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